Recording of the masters


New member

Whenever I record something off my XP keyboard, it doesn't sound "full" enough when I play it back as an audio. Like it doesn't sound stereo enough, in fact it sounds 100% mono or whatever. How do I get it to have a "fuller" sounds like on real CD's or how other people do? (with a synthesizer)

- Andrew
Yes but are you recording either to

a) a stereo track in your software

b)two mono tracks in your software panned hard left and right?

If you aren't then you are not recording in stereo.

If you have a left and right output on your synth they should normally go into 2 different inputs on your soundcard/mixer and be recorded to two separate tracks in your software (you could name them synth left and synth right for example). Most audio progs also allow you to instead create a stereo track where the level of both inputs will be controlled by one fader. You can see this in the software mixer as the level meter usually gets split into two to signify the left and right input/playback levels.