New Midi controller kinks


New member
I just got a Samson Graphite MF8 control surface that I'll be using with Cubase 5.

Samson — Graphite MF8

I got it to work pretty well by using the generic Mackie option in cubase along with the manufactures first preset that has basic stuff like the fader controls volume on a channel, knob controls pan, etc. So overall working as I thought it would.

HOWEVER, there's one big snag. Let's say I have a fader set to unity in my daw, and on the control surface, all of the faders at absolute 0. If I select the daw channel with the control surface and move the fader up, the channel volume will first jump all the way to absolute 0 and then start increasing, it doesn't start where the daw channel fader is set. This is true with the pan knobs as well.

Does anyone know if cubase has an option to remedy this, or other ideas?
