Missing sound?


New member
Alright I posted a question about a week ago that I was having problems recording and having the sound sync up. People on here suggested it was a latence problem but I wasn't really sure that was it and now after some tests I am sure its not. I recorded a drum beat and then on a seperate track recorded the same drum beat and when I lined them up, they start off on beat but by about a minute into the song the beat starts getting more and more off and in the span of a 3 minute song you could see how this could be a problem. Its like its slowly droping tiny bits of sound? does any one have any ideas, I am right now useing a sound blaster card and vegas audio. I do have plans to get a new 1010lt here in the near future but I would kind of like to be able to record now also. Thanks for the help in advance.
Are you micing a drum kit? If so, are you recording to a clicktrack? Humans are always off beat when it comes to a 3 minute recording. You cannot change that.

If you are making a beat with drum samples, then the timing should be perfect. Could you elaborate a little more?
Make sure your sample rate is set to 48kHz in project properties.
Soundblasters run natively at 48kHz .... any other SR setting will force the SB to re-sample on the fly. This can cause subsequent track lag.
Once your project is done, you can then mixdown the song and convert the sample rate to whatever the medium dictates.


I will try switching to 48. I will also try to elaborate. I recorded a drum machine then without changing anything opened up a new track and recorded that. THen I lined up the tracks so they were exactly lined up at the beginning and so the beginning lines up then it slowly gets off. I realize that it should stay the same thorught the song and its not so thats why Im trying to figure out whats wronge. THanks again.