Mbox Pro 3 has died - looking for comparable interfaces


New member
Hey there,

My Mbox Pro 3 decided to stop working for the second time after being 'fixed' by avid so I've officially thrown in the towel with it.

What are some comparable interfaces pre amp wise? I've heard some Apogee, Focusrite, and RME interfaces are comparable, but im not sure which models.

Thanks for your help!
Just one thought..I assume you have checked this already. As an m-box3 owner I have had my frustrations as well. I use my Mbox3 on both a PC and Mac.
The biggest problem I've had is the box just won't work. This is Much Much more common on a PC then a Mac, but it can happen on a mac.
On the P.C. the issue usually comes after I have disconnected the unit and reconnected it. What I have found sadley is reinstalling the drivers often brings it back to life.
One way I minimize this occurrence is using ONE dedicated USB port, always hooking it to the same port, and nothing else in that port.
It can be maddening, but I just thought I would check that you tried these options.