j-station in stereo???


New member
Quick Question about the J-Station and the S/PDIF output:

I'm going out of the j-stations spdif output to the right spdif input on the delta 66. Somehow this gives me a stereo signal??? Is the j-station emulating a stereo signal or what?
is has stereo effects so you are getting a stereo signal (simulated i guess)...its analog outs are stereo also......

one really cool thing to do with the J-Station is to use both the analog outs and the S/PDIF to record guitar....run out of both 1/4" outs to 2 inputs of your Delta card....

now set up the J-Station where one is giving a dry track without effects and one is recording with effects....(look in the manual for an explaination of Dry Track).....spread the 4 tracks across the stereo field....i like the 2 dry tracks left (1 hard and one halfway) and the wet ones right (1 hard and one halfway)......
I'm confused by what you mean when you say you're going out the J-Station's S/PDIF out to the Delta's right S/PDIF input. There's only one S/PDIF In jack, and it carries a stereo signal. S/PDIF is always a stereo signal, is it not?
Damn, I didnt catch that part....my ADD kicked in.....yeah, SPDIF is stereo......

and another method....go out of the J-Stations S/PDIF with the dry signal into the S/PDIF, then take the analog signal into a nice amp, tube preferably, and mic it up close with a sm57 and room mic it with a nice condenser into 2 inputs of the Delta...sweeeeet!......
Yes indeedy,SPDIF in j-station is true 2 channel stereo.Some of the stereo effects sound awesome,ping pong delays etc.I have the hoontech c-port with 8 ins plus the 2 spdif gives me ten ins and outs simultaniously.
This is my only spdif device so I cannot say whether all units are stereo but the j certainly is.