Gradual Tempo Changes in REAPER

Big Mike B

New member
So I've started work on recording a Symphonic Prog Metal piece in REAPER but my work is grinding to a halt. Here's the problem:
When I place a gradual tempo change in reaper I set the start place and tempo, and end place and tempo. When playing back through that fragment, the whole computer starts lagging and the music becomes a constant stream of cracking noises at roughly half the intended speed. As soon as the rit. has ended, everything returns to normal, the lagging and cracking stops. This doesn't have any effect when rendering but still happens during playback, even when all tracks are muted, making it impossible to record anything that includes a tempo change. Can anyone help me with this?

The interface I'm using is Line 6 UX2, everything runs on Windows 7 SP1 x64, AMD Athlon II X4 640 @3.00GHz and 6GB of RAM.
A lot of FX will do that too. Especially Reverb, which seems to be pretty CPU-intensive.

Yeppers, smart usage of reverbs as sends/receives instead of inserts is a great way to stretch your computer's processing power to get more accomplished with fewer instances of reverbs.