gadget labs 8/24



i was wondering if some of you who use the 8/24 could post me a recording of yourself made with the GL.
Any other info is more than welcome too. whta about latency, compatibility with CE pro and waves and wavelab?

greetz guhlenn
Just a heads up if you weren't already aware: GL kicked the bucket a while back so the cards that are still available in the stores are unsupported by the manufacturer. Strange as I kept hearing good things about their stuff.

yeah i know but i can pick up one at about $275. used ofcourse...

i'm not to sure about the hoontech, no real performance info anywhere to be found (ok from hoontech, but noone confirms them)

and the wave has had great reviews... ok no 96 KHz but 48 will be enough considering that price. i'm a bit conserned about the wallwart in the breakout box though. heard this isn't a good thing. but i wouldn't know. what is a wall-wart anyway? how does it effect the sound? and oh yeah they've put there converters on the card... not so nice, though they use a trick to minimize noise. so now i just gotta hear the damn thing to make a decision!

thanks ola, some views from you are always welcome :)

greetz guhlenn
A wall wart is a transformer that you stick in the power socket to get power you need for your equipment. They create magnetic fields around them, which interferes with A/D and D/A converters. However, the converters on the 8/24 are on the PCI card and thus pretty safe from the transformer. However, again, they're subject to the even worse magnetic fields produced by the rest of the computer so that's not a good thing either. Having the wall wart in the breakout box or actually on the wall is "six or half a dozen" when the converters are in the computer.

I think the 8/24 is a great card and probably hard to beat at $275. I think it costed about $800 in Sweden. It was my choice before I stumbeled across the c-port, which was claimed to be better performance and a lot cheaper. I cannot confirm the better performance though. I read a few review about the c-port, all good, but it's always up to your ears.

Why don't they just make one soundcard so we didn't have to choose?

good point made there...

i'm getting a bit frustrated here... the ones that are nice cost too much and the ones that don't cost too much well, always got these little features that make me go hhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmmm...

thinking still about the aardvark... AARK24 that is. but noone is sellin' guess that's another sign they're great right?

what would you recon' to be vital in a sound card. shit like SNR (the wave has 105/106dB) or the hardware details like that ad converter on the card?

greetz guhlenn