Best way to record/mix on multiple computers?


New member
I'm looking for the best way to record/mix music on multiple computers. Currently, everyone in the band I'm looking to do this with has different recording software. I'm wondering if there exists software that will let us record/mix on our respective computers and have changes automatically show up for others. If not, what is the easiest way to accomplish this?
Use the same software on all computers, host the project file and audio files online, like on Dropbox. To keep it simple only one person should be working on it at a time. When someone wants to work on it they download the latest project file and audio files, make their changes and upload the changed project file and any new audio files that they've added.
You could use the Avid Cloud Collaboration. Maybe there are others that do that I am just aware of the avid thingy.
Use the same software on all computers, host the project file and audio files online, like on Dropbox...

Depending on how technically-inclined you are, it might even be advisable to use a version control system (git, svn, etc.) to keep everything synced up. You'll have to really stress to your users how important it is to push all of their changes tho. (Depending on what software you use, this could be more or less efficient. Version control is good for text-based files - such as Reaper project files - but not so good for binaries - such as your raw .wav files.)