Adding samples to logic pro 9/tempo changes


New member
I just bought the saffire pro 40 and it came with 1 GB of samples. How would I go about adding this to logic pro 9? I'm not entirely sure how this works as I am new to this. Would I add these samples to the loop library?

Another question, without posting a new topic, if I change the tempo of a loop I notice it will change the tempo to all of my loops in that song or anything I put in that song. The tempo gets changed of the entire project. Is there anyway to change the tempo of a loop in a song without changing the tempo of the other loops or recordings?
i'm not sure about the saffire samples - i would probably just keep it simple and drag samples directly into projects that i wanted to work with.

as to your second question, what i do to solve this is solo the loop you want to change the tempo of. then change the tempo and export it as a wav file. then change the tempo back, delete the original loop, and import the new file that is at the desired tempo. voila!

best of luck!