Fostex R8 pinch roller wheel cover

Hey, picked up an R8 yesterday from a guy who said it hasn't played in years but FF/RW still work. I figured it was the capstan belt, which I already had, so I bought it off him. I replaced the belt this afternoon and everything seems to be working good except the pinch roller wheel cover is really loose. The PRW cover on the R8 looks like a a big flat back button and it has hole on the underneath where the metal pole that the wheel slides onto is supposed to clip into it (I think). Problem is, is that it just goes on there with no tension at all around the metal pole and isn't really doing anything. It definitely won't stop the PRW from coming off it starts to do that.

I've only had it for today, and so far it's stayed on but the cover is rolling around in the same direction as the wheel and it just looks like a problem waiting to happen. Does anyone here have experience with this machine and can tell me how snug this thing is supposed to fit, or if I'm maybe missing a piece? I looked at the service manual and it shows that there are 2 washers that go under and on top of the wheel, and although I don't have those I can't imagine that would make any difference in whether or not the cover holds on or not. All I have is the cover itself and I don't understand how it's supposed to stay there with no threads to screw on so I assume it clips on with pressure and maybe mine is worn loose?

Could use someone who's seen what I'm talking about and can help me figure out if I need to just buy a new one as there's one on eBay now.

Thanks in advance!
I used to have an R8, and I remember having the same issue. I think I accidentally knocked that cover off myself. It didn't seem like a very well-designed part on that unit. I think I ended up just using a little bit of glue (not Super Glue, but something like Elmer's) when I put it back on. Just enough so that it would make sure it stayed put, but I wouldn't have much trouble getting it off when I needed to. It seemed to do the trick.
Same story here. In fact, I had the same issue with the covers on the tension rollers too, or whatever they're called.

I had some missing, and some broken, caps so I used the insulation sleeve from some copper wire as a replacement.
Find a suitable gauge, cut a few inches and remove the wire, force the insulation on to the spindle, then cut it close and neat. :)

Alternatively, glue it in place as beagle said.

IIRC, the I/O are located in such a way that you can use the machine on its back? That's an other option.
Might even be a better, more consistent, option across the board, in terms of tape path variations etc.
Well, that makes me feel a little better. Do either of you know if the two washers that go under and on top of the pinch roller help it stay on or know if I really need to find some to put on there?

If not, a dab of Krazy Glue it is. Thanks!
I would conjecture those washers are thrust washers and one should go behind the roller and the other in between the roller and the cap.
No, if they are what I think the are they don't have anything to do with fastening the roller to the transport. A thrust washer provides for a low-friction bearing surface at the face of a rotating part. I hope that makes sense.
Sort of. Not sure if I'm going to be able to get by without them so I guess I'll test it out and see what happens. I've had an A8 and a Model 80 for about a year now but the R8 was the one that I wanted in the first place as it was the last one released, has the ins / outs on top, and it's LED meters aren't known for failing and being next to impossible to replace. I really want to get this in fighting form, which my Model 80 is in (minus said LED meters). After figuring it out I'm going to have to sell one of them and I'm hoping it won't have to be the R8.

I am going to look for those washers, place em on there and glue the top on. Wish me luck