EastWest issues with loading new stuff...


what is this?
Steen may be on top of this one; not sure. I've had Silk for a while and got that up and running in as long as it took to load the library onto my HDD. I just got Stormdrum3 yesterday and have been fighting to make it work. For starters, even following the install instructions to a T, my desktop standalone PLAY icon has gone on to greener pastures and I haven't figured out how to get it back to try out different samples outside of the realm of Cubase.

The biggest issue, other than the crappy deal above, is that within Cubase I have to go through a lengthy process to get different sounds loaded - the PLAY engine recognizes all of the Silk library fine but I can't just tell it that Stormdrum is there, too. I can't layer anything from SD3 like I can with Silk (inside PLAY) because it only lets me load one instrument at a time. Am I just brain-farting around the obvious here or has anyone else had this issue?

Any help is appreciated...hopefully I'm just overlooking something and this isn't such a big deal...