Which Audiointerface Chief is Keef using?


New member
Hey Guys, i really wanna know which audio interface chief keef is using.

I want the same Interface for my 2x KRK Rokit RP10-3 G3 and 1x KRK 10S Monitors / Subwoofer as keef.

http://puu.sh/mgXHw/3c2da3ee05.jpg here's a pic. I dont mean the Apogee Duet where he stuck his sony headphones in, but the white box in the corner on the left side under the apple monitor.

Thanks ^^

Here some more video material 4 u guys: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0-OH9iG4g5s
Not enough resolution to be able to tell. I tried looking up what he uses, but the only thing I could find were a couple SSL consoles at big studios, the Giant Augsburger mains at the same studios and the Mbox2. That doesn't really look like an mbox.
Maybe it is the mbox 2.

A bit off the subject, but the interface he is using is about the least important piece of equipment that he uses to produce his stuff. The only thing going through it (maybe) would be the vocal. And that assumes he records the vocal through it and doesn't plug a mic pre into the apogee, which is linked digitally to the mbox. The sound of the mbox wouldn't even enter into it.

That mbox2 would be about 10 years old. I know this was posted a year or so ago, but maybe he is still using protools le, which makes you use a protools interface, like the mbox, in order to work. (or it's left over from it) If he has the apogee, he is clearly bypassing it by going in digitally.
Can't see it enough to tell. Again, in his case, it could be anything and won't matter at all.