MIDI controller not working...


New member
Hi everyone,

Please help, as I only have a few hours to get this working... Or i'm in a bit of strife.

I have an Alesis Q88 controller, hooked up to a Windows 7 PC via USB.
I have ProTools.

Here are the steps I took to get it working so far:

- Hit function, then "MIDI OUT FROM USB" on the controller.
- ProTools- Setup>MIDI>MIDI STUDIO - I made a new Instrument. The Q88 was not on the dropdown list, so I chose the Q20. I doubt/hope it doesn't make much of a difference.
- ProTools- Setup>MIDI>MIDI BEAT CLOCK- Selected Q88
- ProTools- Setup>MIDI>MIDI INPUT FILTER- Selected "Record All"
- ProTools- Setup>MIDI>MIDI Devices - Selected Q88
-Protools - Setups>Peripherals> Selected HUI, then Q88 for input and output. 8 CH.
-Protools- new Instrument track- plug in "Mini Grand" - Checked Volume is up. track is record enabled.

There is no level appearing on the track when I play the keyboard.
I have tested it after each step.

Is there something I am doing wrong?


EDIT: I've done this several times. Sometimes it says Protools cannot connect to HUI, sometimes it says "You must assign an online output port to enable MMC"
Also, its PT10

Also, I've attempted to connected it via MIDI cable to my Scarlett 18i20, but I didn't know which settings to choose, and it didn't work when I just plugged it in, so I gave up.

The Controller appears to be being powered by the computer.
Also, it works great when plugged into a physical synthesiser.
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I've read your post carefully several times, and I can spot two places where I think you've gone wrong.

First, you don't need to select anything from the functon menu. It should default to the appropriate setting which may be 'in' or 'out' depending on how Alesis uses the terms.

Choosing Q20 from the default menu is your 2nd questionable decision. There was an ancient Yamaha drum machine called the Q20, and in my cursory Googling I found everything from guitar pickups to hammers - the construction kind - ID'd as 'Q20'. Does the column in Pro Tools have a 'default', 'generic' or other such verbage as an option? If so, go back and choose that one.

The Focusrite Scarlett is meant to interface the computer with the audio and midi world. It plugs into your computer via the USB port and replaces your stock audio hardware. If you got a CD or DVD with it, place the CD/DVD into the drive and follow the instructions. This will load any necessary driver software. If you got no CD/DVD of any kind dont panic - that just means they've made it 'plug-n-play'

The controller goes into it's own USB port, and again if you got any type of media with it insert it and follow the directions, otherwise most controllers are plug-n-play.

Also, don't choose HUI or anything in the 'midi controller page. Just leave this blank if possible.

Post agan if you've not got it working. I''ll check back here early tonight and see if you've seen my message
Thanks for the response ssscientist!

I changed the device name from Q20 to 'none' and now it works great!

Thanks heaps.