Expression Pedal Not Capable of Full MIDI Range


New member
I just got my first expression pedal, a Yamaha FC7. I'm using it in conjunction with my Axiom 49.

My problem is that while the pedal works fine physically (it's able to tilt to its minimum and maximum positions just fine) it's only capable of producing cc11 values between 64 and 127 in Pro Tools, rather than the full range of 0-127.

I've checked on the Axiom 49, and the min and max MIDI values for cc11 is indeed set to 0 and 127 respectively, so I don't know what gives with the pedal!

Anyone else experienced this issue of an expression pedal that's only capable of a limited range?

Google 'MidiOx'. It's a great little program that shows you more ways to look at midi then you'll probably ever use.

I've found it indespensible over the years for diagnosing all types of midi problems.

As far as your problem goes, I don't think the problem is in the pedal. It's probably in Pro Tools or the Axiom 49.