Vintage Mics


New member
Hi, I am to new to vintage mics and i'm wondering if it would be possible to plug one into a USB audio interface and record on my PC?

Forgive me if this is in the wrong section, as i am a new here.

It depends what you mean by vintage.

Some microphones require unique power supplies. Some are very low impedance and have unique physical connectors.
Most microphones that you'll encounter will use the standard modern XLR connector and will work fine with modern USB interfaces and mixers.
I bought a Reslo ribbon microphone which had a unique 3 pin connector and 30-50ohm output.

I had to change the connector to XLR and upgrade the transformer for <150 ohm output to make it suitable for modern gear.

What do you mean by vintage microphone?
>I had to change the connector to XLR and upgrade the transformer for <150 ohm output to make it suitable for modern gear.

And now it sounds great!

>Hi, I am to new to vintage mics

So, which mic and which preamp? Do tell.
