specific microphone questions


New member
These may seem poorly written. I thought so anyway, which is why i'm asking help to answer them.

1. The way a microphone output is shown as to its frequency response versus direction is called its ____________.

2. The attenuation of off axis signals are known as the ________________.

These are two of the most frustrating questions I've ever come across. Who the fuck is in the paid position to write such nonsense. The content of the questions may very well be valid, but the wording is bollocks. Any help greatly appreciated.
samich17 said:
These may seem poorly written. I thought so anyway, which is why i'm asking help to answer them.

1. The way a microphone output is shown as to its frequency response versus direction is called its ____________.

Polar Pattern

2. The attenuation of off axis signals are known as the ________________.

Probably "rejection", but it could just as easily be answered "directional characteristics", or "polar pattern". Badly worded.

These are two of the most frustrating questions I've ever come across. Who the fuck is in the paid position to write such nonsense. The content of the questions may very well be valid, but the wording is bollocks. Any help greatly appreciated.
Hopefully, that helped a little.