new mic is too fans etc...


New member
a high-class problem to be sure - my new rode nt-1 mic has just replaced my old EV for vocals, acoustic guitar etc.. it sounds a thousand times better. but - i never realized how damn loud my computer was... what creative solutions are people using to shield their noisy machines from their sensitive microphones?
Hiya, thinmint. Welcome to the club. The Rode picks up *everything*, doesn't it? Don't even think of making unwanted noise - it'll pick up thoughtforms as well. :)

I know this view is kind of radical, but I think of the Rode as the ultimate party/ambient mic. Just go along with the officially unwanted noise it picks up. It's like eating wholewheat bread the first time - you wonder what all these chewy bits are. After a while, you start to like it.

I am, of course, taking an entirely new approach to recording here, and conservatives who want their recordings all refined (shielded) and with additives (FX) won't agree. But I mean why let commercial recording determine home recording approaches and standards?

Don't go thinking S8-N's the only one who can stir up a bit of controversy. :)

As for the computer noise, nah, I don't like that either - get longer cables. I record within a meter of my tower, and unless the hard disk's processing something, there's no unwanted noise. Or maybe all the other ambient noise here is just drowning it out (grin).
What? A bit too beyond the pale to be taken seriously? Have I clipped? Or is it a case of 'can't take the heat, don't go into the kitchen?'

Wholewheat home recordists unite!
hey i'm all for a bit of roughage! but i figure recording in a new york city apartment i get all the extraneous noise i need. nothing cool about a whirring fan droning on in the background fooling your spectrum analyzer into thinking you've got the high-end covered!

give me the dog barking, sirens wailing, the occasional gun-shot but for god sakes - no hard-drive spinning! :)
Yup - dogs, sirens, gunshots and screaming neighbors - that's the way. 'Just enough, just enough for the city.'