Guitar Center - Labor Day Sales?


Soundcard Junkie
I'm kind of a newbie when it comes to GC. Don't go there much, as I tend to either buy things online or haggle with some locals here in LA. In any case...

I was wondering when Labor Day sales typically start. Would it be today? Tomorrow? Some other day...?
i've recently gotten 2 postcard ads from them. one announces a sale that is on right now through the 31st (sunday). on monday they have one of their "list" sales which is supposed to be good. thing is you have to have the postcard to get the "list" to buy the good shit. i think you have to be on their mailing list or something. i'd give you mine but i'm in nc.
I'v bought plenty of stuff from GC. If i need something right away I'll sometimes buy it at a local GC. Their prices are pretty good , although a still look to see what kind of prices are available through mail order. The thing I hate about them is how they advertise a HUGE BLOWOUT SALE every weekend, then when you get down there and they really don't have shit, except a couple of items that are marked down a few bucks. Marketing I guess...the old bait and switch trick. One thing worth mentioning though is that the sales people work on for your stuff at the end of the month if you can, you'll be suprised how much lower they will go on the price, just to make a few more sales at the end of the month. Good luck

The holiday weekend sales are a letdown, for the most part.

Unless you know a manager that can write you a good deal on a couple pieces.

The stuff that is marked down the most is used stuff repackaged in clear plastic, no box, usually no manual. Or open-box returns.

You might be able to get them to knock a few bucks off cables (NOT MONSTER) or stands if you buy at least one "big ticket" item.
Sometimes there are good deals but a lot of times they advertise a special and only have one unit per store. The first people through the door usually grab 'em up.
Their holiday sales are awsome! Get there early and take a friend. When they pass out the "list" pick which items you want to go for and give a couple items to grab to your friend. As soon as you get in the door grab em. You can always put them back down if you dont like it or the price isn't right. I take a Sam Ash or Musicians friend catalogue in with me so I can check the price to make sure I'm getting a deal. Some stuff is scratch n dent. Other stuff is the last one or two or discontinued etc... Anything you buy is returnable. Its also a great time to beat em up on regular stuff too. I bought a DBX266, SM57 and a pair of Senheiser 280's at COST 4th of July. I told them about the low prices on the e-bay stores and the pro-audio manager sold everything to me at cost so not to loose a sale (and to get rid of me) Two years ago I bought a CAD M39 for $129! No box or paperwork but I made them through in a case.They were being discontinued.

Its your hard earned money and you need some new toys! So dont be shy and smack the sales people around a bit!
GC has pretty average prices if you ask me. I was in there a couple days ago and they had a used, slightly beat up Vox AC15 (w/Blue spkr) for about $1200. Typical pricing for GC. If you want an actual good deal, be prepared to haggle.

Post indie electronic
Guitar Center has a matched pair of AKG C1000's advertised at $279, Oktava MK219 at $69, Oktava MK219 and Presonus TubePre for $149.

Are any of these good deals? I am just starting out, the only equipment I ahve is an Audiophile 24/96 card, a behringer 6-track mixer, and a hure PG-57 dynamic mic. I'm mostly going to be recording acoustic guitar and voice.
If it's the MK319(not 219) for $79, that's a good price. What are they getting for the Oktava MC012? That and the 319 would be a pretty sweet acoustic guitar/voice combo.
I bought an Oktiva 319 a year or so ago. I like it alot for vocals and other applications also. The other models that I'v seen in GC look kinda cheap...I thought the fit and finish sucked.
Alrighty. I just got back from GC. You can get an MK319 in a case with a cord for $49. If I didn't already have 2 of them I would've jumped all over this.

Also, while not on 'the list', the guy said he would deal me an MC012/MK012 for $60.

Maybe you'd want to try a couple out but I don't think quality control is quite the issue as it used to be with the Oktavas.

Happy hunting!
I just got back and snuck a sales sheet out the door...the guy tried to get it from me but I diverted his attention and slid it in my backpocket. Says on it "This flier is for in store use only and not to be taken outside the store". Oh well.
I think every store location had different sales depending what they had in stock. I will say the sales were very good. Had a bunch of Rodes (NT2 for 199, NT3 for 99, NTK for 399)...there was about 10 pages of stuff on sale....Other things I looked at were the Evolution 249C for 129, and the JV1010 Sound Module at $200..Overall Id say it was a very good sales event...
I did walk out with 2 Oktava MK012s for $89 after telling the spaced out sales guys that I know others have gotten this deal. It was OK'd by someone higher up so its definately possible to do.
I've never had a good experience at any of their "sales". Idiotic salespeople, "lower" price that are easily attainable at any other store, items not in stock, mislabled items (ever seen a 6-string Ibanez Universe? They don't exist), etc.

In all the times I've been in that store, I've only met one intelligent person who worked there.

Just my $.02...
Im amazed you found one intelligent person there...Im still searching for intelligence within the GC confines...while testing the MK012s, I spoke into one of the mics and a guy came running with a look of tragic concern - "Oh Oh, those arent for vocals, you arent suppossed to speak or sing in those"...

I wasnt aware my voice projected at 300 decibels and would blow the mic out..from now on Ill remember to only use them for quiet situations like drum cymbals furiously crashing more dangerous vocals :D
Spit on the diaphram can effect them, I usually shudder when Im trying one out and a sales person speaks into one.

They are good for some vocals but use a windscreen.
I bagged two MK-012s for $99.99 as well. It was interesting to note that now the cases are marked "MK" instead of "MC" finally.

I also got a sealed-box "Studio Essentials" MK-319 with 20' cable for $49.99, which I didn't need, but it was too good to pass up for that price.

Oh, and a cowbell!
Yeah! MK-012 two for $99.99 + tax of course. I just went to GC Holly this morning. They have good deals and not so good deals. I just picked up a Marshall 6100 Blue combo for $700.00. The price for this same amp yesterday was $1100.00. I say that's a good deal. I might go back again later today to get me a couple of those MK-102s. That's a sweet deal.