Blue Yeti - Please help!


New member
Long story short I'm purely posting this because I enjoy games and want good quality. I've been using a headset with a microphone pretty much my whole life, unfortunately recent my the microphone on my headset snapped. Instead of buying a whole new microphone I decided to go ahead and purchase my very first desktop mic, the blue yeti.

However, ever since I plugged it in today I've had problems. It's so sensitive it's picks up pretty much everything, I hate this. For example in CSGO, if I don't use push to talk people hear me swiping my mouse on my SOFT mouse pad. And even when I type.

I tried to make a recording to see if you guys can notice my problem.
What can I do? I wish it would just pick up my voice only

Vocaroo | Voice message
It's not really noticeable in this recording though.

What can I do to make my blue yeti just pick up my voice? And is there a way to make my voice more bassy? Please help :c
That's the Blue Yeti for ya! You can get rid of some of it with noise removal in your DAW, and putting a foam windscreen over it will also mute some of the noise.