I need help with novation launchkey 61 in cubase


New member
I am having problems with my launchkey keyboard in cubase 5.
Its my first keyboard so i have mostly no idea what to do regarding my points below.
If anyone can offer a tiny bit of help (owners of launchkey or not) would be great.

My problems are:

1.Is there a way in cubase for you to control with the knobs other stuff in cubase besides pan left and right

tracks ? (in ableton live 9 lite you can)

2.Incontrol function has in cubase only 2 signs (>, <) lit and not the tird one(>), any way to make it fully

responding in cubase ? (in Al9lite works as intended)

3.The 16 square pads and 2 round ones don't have all functions working, how do i assign keys or drums to them.Also

if i press one there's only red light coming out, and not also yellow or green like in AL9lite

4.How do i configure my MIDI in device setup, what are Quick Controls supposed to be for?

5.Whenever i record and press a key or keys on my launchkey i get in key editor in cubase at c-2 this, and i ain't

touching c-2 on my keyboard (photo Imgur )

6.Velocity, how do i make it louder, the sounds i get out of my launchkey are low, how do i turn up the velocity

so it can play at let's say 95 all the time i'm pressing a key.
I tried midi modifiers in cubase for velocity change, tho it sounds louder, in key editor, notes are still colored

like they are low ( see photo in point 5 )

This message was posted on several forums, so i hope i can find some help regarding my issues...
Thanks for any help offered, you will be repaid in spiritual healing :D :)