vintage japanese drums


New member
i own a vintage japanese kit 1965 "star"... this was the predecessor to tama.... i love the thing :D

i've spent countless hours on the net trying to find out a little bit about the kit but can't find a damn thing!!! anyone know of any sites or anywhere i might be able to find info on this kit?

i know old japanese drums don't hold great esteem, but i'd really like some info or insight on my kit... thanks chaps!
Star became Tama. That's whay all the drums are named artSTAR, rockSTAR, GrandSTAR, etc...
I understand that a Japanese company bought out Camco drums in the early 70's and became Tama. The hardware division of Camco was sold to a California firm that became DW. The DW lug of today is exactly like an old Camco. If you check out a Tama catalogue you will find a Camco chain pedal that is exactly like the famous DW pedal. That is the only part of the Camco line Tama has continued. The story is that US Camco buyers were furious when they bought new kits made in Japan because the quality was suddenly very poor. Thus Tama embarked on it's journey to up it'd quality control and become the fine drummaker it is today. I have never heard of Star but if you post that question on someone will be able to answer with more detail.
I think you are correct about the hardware. I know the guy who desgined the lug in the 50's (can't remember his name) went out of business and sold the design to Camco and Hayman drums in England. I had a set of those. They sounded nice but the lugs were crap. At lease DW uses a better metal compound on the lugs now.